Practice Name:

Control of Aphid

Category Crop Pest & Disease Management
Crop Mustard
Crop Family Brasicca
Scientific Name (Brasicca juncea)
Vernacular Name Rai
Scout HBN
Ingredients Leaves of the calotropis (Calotropis gigantica)
Control Mode

Innovator / Knowledge Provider Dudhaji Dhulaji Thakor
District Banaskantha
KVK District t Krushi Vigyan Kendra, Deesa
Address Vill: Nava Tal: Danta
Languages Spoken
Vocation Farming
State Gujarat
PIN Code 385120

PAS_1 "Ash (2-3 kg) is mixed with castor oil (0.7-0.8 kg). This mixture is spread on the seedbed of cotton (0.01 ha) tocontrol ‘damping-off’ disease." -
PAS_2 "Farmers dust the ash at the rate of 50-60 kg ha-1 on mustardcrop to prevent various diseases like white rust, downymildew and powdery mildew." -
Agro Ecological Zone Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Western Plain, Kachchh And Part Of Kathia (2.3), Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Commission) Gujarat Plains and Hills Region (XIII), Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) North Gujarat zone and North -West (GJ-4, GJ-5)
Other Community Practices "Biological Control (View photos of natural enemies) The most significant aphid predators are several species of lady beetles, including Hippodamia convergens and Coccinella septempunctata that attack and consume both the blue alfalfa and pea aphid species. Green lacewings can also be important in regulating aphids and many other predators including bigeyed bugs (Geocoris spp.), damsel bugs (Nabis spp.), and syrphid fly larvae also play a role. Aphidius smithi and A. ervi are parasites of alfalfa aphids. Large golden-brown aphid mummies on the upper surfaces of leaves indicate parasitization. When a high level of parasitization is present, carefully consider the need to apply insecticides for aphids. Parasites frequently provide adequate control. A naturally occurring fungal disease, which is most prevalent during cool, rainy, or foggy weather, may also control aphids. Organically Acceptable Methods The use of resistant varieties, biological control, and cultural control are acceptable to use on an organically certified crop. Organically certified insecticides such as azadirachtin (Neemix), neem oil (Trilogy), and pyrethrin (PyGanic) are registered for use on alfalfa to control aphids. Studies conducted in California, however, have shown that at best they provide slight suppression of aphids but do not control them."
Practice ID KNW0020000000326
Reference HBN database
Annotation ID GIAN/GAVL/85
State Gujarat
PIN Code 385120