Practice Name:

To Control Leaf Curl Virus

Category Crop Pest & Disease Management
Crop Chilly
Crop Family Solanaceae
Scientific Name (Capsicum annum)
Vernacular Name Mirch, Lunka, Marchu
Scout HBN
Ingredients Cow Milk
Control Mode

Innovator / Knowledge Provider Dr N I Vyasq
District Jodhpur
KVK District Krishi Vigyan Kendra,CAZRI (ICAR) Campus, Jodhpur-342003
Address Central Arid Zone Research Institute
Languages Spoken
Vocation Farming
State Rajasthan
PIN Code 342003

PAS_1 "Fruit juice of C. limon, inhibited clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiellaaerogenes, and Klebsiellapneumoniae.[32] Peel extracts of C. sinensis have marked antibacterial action while C. aurantium revealed higher antifungal activity against Colletotrichumcapsici in comparison with each other.[33] Aqueous extracts of peel and juice from fresh and dried Citrus and sweet lemon reported antimicrobial action against six Gram-positive and eight Gram-negative bacterial and one yeast isolates.[34] C. sinensis seed oil is highly effective as an antifungal agent against Lentinussajor-caju, which causes white rot in wood hence, it can be used as a preservative agent in the management of wood infected with white rot fungi.[35] Propionibacterium acnes, bacterial species that causes Acne vulgaris is reported to be very sensitive to C. limon.[36] Methanolic extract of C. sinensis fruit peel was able to inhibit all the bacteria [Chaudhari, Swapnil&Ruknuddin, Galib&Prajapati, Pradeep. (2016). Ethno medicinal values of Citrus genus: A review. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University. 9. 560. 10.4103/0975-2870.192146.]"
PAS_2 "An aqueous composition of acetic and citric acid in combination with surfactant, for use as a fungicidal composition. The composition may be used in the treatment of fungus on vegetables, flowering plants and trees" [ ]
Agro Ecological Zone Western Plain, Kachchh And Part Of Kathiawar Peninsula, Hot Arid Eco-Region (2.1),Western Dry Region (XIV),Arid Western Zone (RJ-1)
Other Community Practices "Some five or six years ago, in a paper on the opsonins, Professor, now Sir Alfred Wright incidentally mentioned that in a case of "brawny swelling" he had used successfully 60 gr. of citric acid administered every two or three hours. [HEMENWAY HB. THE THERAPEUTIC USE OF CITRIC ACID AND THE CITRATES. JAMA. 1912;LVIII(14):992–995. doi:10.1001/jama.1912.04260040008003"] "
Practice ID KNW0020000000478
Reference HBN database
Annotation ID GIAN/GAVL/106
State Rajasthan
PIN Code 342003