PAS_1 |
"Mango hopper manage Ment By Ipm practices including insecti -Cides, botanicals And Cultural practices" BY_IPM_PRACTICES_INCLUDING_INSECTICIDES_BOTANI_CALS_AND_CULT URAL_PRACTICES/link/5bdd4132a6fdcc3a8db9cf74/download |
PAS_2 |
"Mango flower and fruit drop,Control,Causes and methods." |
Agro Ecological Zone |
Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Western Plain, Kachchh And Part Of Kathia (2.3), Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning
Gujarat Plains and Hills Region (XIII),
Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) North Gujarat zone and North -West (GJ-4, GJ-5) |
Other Community Practices |
Practice ID |
KNW0020000000410 |
Reference |
HBN database |
Annotation ID |
State |
Gujarat |
PIN Code |
385001 |