Details | |
Category | Crop Protection and Disease Management |
Crop | Maize |
Crop Family | Poaceae |
Scientific Name | (Zea mays) |
Vernacular Name | bhutta, maize, makka, makai |
Scout | HBN |
Ingredients | Castor (Ricinus communis), oil, groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) seed, water |
Control Mode |
Innovator / Knowledge Provider | Dhirabhai Dahyabhai Patel |
District | Rajkot |
KVK District | Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Junagadh Agricultural University, Dry Farming Research Station, Targhadia (RAJKOT)-360003 |
Address | Makhavad, Gujarat |
Languages Spoken | |
Vocation | Farming |
State | Gujarat |
PIN Code | 360311 |
PAS_1 | "The leaves contain a natural insecticide which has been effective in killing mosquitoes." |
PAS_2 | "The insecticidal effect of pandanus odoratissimus l. (Pandan) leaf extract on periplaneta americana (common household cockroaches)" |
Agro Ecological Zone | Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Western Plain, Kachchh And Part Of Kathiawar Peninsula, Hot Arid Eco-Region (2.4) , Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Commission) Gujarat Plains & Hills Region (XIII) , Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) North Saurashtra (GJ-6) |
Other Community Practices | |
Practice ID | DTP0010000001136 |
Reference | HBN database |
Annotation ID | GIAN/GAVL/226 |
State | Gujarat |
PIN Code | 360311 |