Practice Name:

Control of Termites in Wheat Crop

Category Crop Protection and Disease Management
Crop wheat
Crop Family Poaceae
Scientific Name (Triticum aestivum)
Vernacular Name Gehun
Scout HBN
Ingredients Donkey urine
Control Mode

Innovator / Knowledge Provider Ghanabhai Khemabhai Chamar
District Sabarkantha
KVK District Krushi Vigyan Kendra, S.D. Agricultural University, Khedbrahma, Taluka- Khedbrahma
Address Sabarkantha,Gujarat
Languages Spoken
Vocation Farming
State Gujarat
PIN Code 383001

PAS_1 "Anti-termite efficacy of plants selected from the SRISTI database of Grassroots Innovations - In this study, eight plant species being used by about 47 innovators in different forms for termite control in the field conditions were selected for efficacy evaluation. Herbal formulations were developed from the aqueous extracts of Clerodendrum phlomidis, Lantana camara, ristolochia bracteata, Solanum surattense, Calotropis procera, Ipomoea fistulosa, milky latex of Euphorbia irucalli and oil of Ricinus communis. Primary screening of the extracts, oil and milky latex showed that C.procera, L.camara, A.bracteata, R.communis (oil) and E.tirucalli (latex) have significant effects, and 100% mortality was recorded in termite population."
PAS_2 "Grassroots innovations and traditional knowledge are precious resource which provides solutions for various kinds of problems and local needs. A review of SRISTI database suggest that large number of grassroots practices are being used by the farmers in the field conditions to control the termite (OdontotermesobesusRambur) attack. In this study, five plant species being used by grassroots innovators in different forms of preparation for termite control in field conditions were selected for efficacy evaluation. Herbal formulations were developed from the aqueous extracts of twig of Aristolochiabracteata Retz. (Aristolochiaceae), twig of SolanumsurattenseBurm.f. (Solanaceae), leaves of Calotropisprocera Ait. f. (Asclepiadaceae), milky latex of Euphorbia tirucalli L. (Euphorbiaceae) and oil of Ricinuscommunis L. (Euphorbiaceae). Primary screening of the individual extracts, oil and milky latex at 10% concentration shows that C. procera, A. bracteata, R. communis (oil) and E. tirucalli (latex) are having significant effects and caused 100% mortality. However, S. surattense caused 88.89% mortality. Compared to the individual treatments, mixture of extracts of C. procera, A. bracteata, S. surattense, oil of R. communis and milky latex of E. tirucalli showed better results in terms of mortality and hence should be preferred for termite control. The results obtained from the experiments are encouraging and proves efficacy of the plants in control of termite. The formulations based on the above plants could be green alternative for the termite control. [Sahay et al, Grassroots solutions for controlling termite attack, JBiopest 7(Supp.):164-169 (2014)]"
Agro Ecological Zone Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) North Gujarat plain (Inclusive of Aravalli range and East Rajasthan Uplands) hot, dry, semi – arid eco-subregion (4.2), Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Commission) Gujarat Plains and Hills Region (XIII) , Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) North Gujarat Agroclimatic zone (GJ-4)
Other Community Practices
Practice ID DTP0010000001175
Reference HBN database
Annotation ID GIAN/GAVL/253
State Gujarat
PIN Code 383001