PAS_1 |
"Another interesting functionof neem oil pesticides is that they do not harm the beneficialinsects. The neem oil insecticides only target the chewing and sucking insects." Subbalakshmi Lokanadhan, P. Muthukrishnan and S.Jeyaraman. Neem products and their agricultural applications JBiopest, 5 (Supplementary): 72-76 (2012) |
PAS_2 |
"Evaluating the efficacy of garlic (Allium sativum) as a bio-pesticide for controlling cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii)." |
Agro Ecological Zone |
Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) North Gujarat plain (Inclusive of Aravalli range and East Rajasthan Uplands) hot, dry, semi – arid eco-subregion (4.2), Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Commission) Gujarat Plains and Hills Region (XIII) , Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) North Gujarat Agroclimatic zone (GJ-4) |
Other Community Practices |
"Herbal Pesticide Technology For Controlling Insects And Pest In Vegetable Crops" |
Practice ID |
DTP0010000002589 |
Reference |
Lok(4)1, janu.-feb.-1999, pg,no-4 |
Annotation ID |
State |
Gujarat |
PIN Code |
383325 |