Practice Name:

Storage of Grains

Category Seed Conservation
Crop any grains
Crop Family
Scientific Name
Vernacular Name
Scout HBN
Ingredients leaves of wind killer plant (Clerodendron phlomidis)
Control Mode

Innovator / Knowledge Provider Ratnabhai Thavrabhai Charpot
District Panchmahals
KVK District Krushi Vigyan Kendra, National Research Centre for Horticulture Crops(ICAR), Vejalpur, Godhra, Distt. Panchmahals -389340
Address Mu. Motanatava Santrampur Panchmahals Gujarat
Languages Spoken
Vocation Farming
State Gujarat
PIN Code 389260

PAS_1 "Antifeedant and larvicidal activities of hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts of Clerodendrumphlomidis and Flueggealeucopyrus at 5, 2.5, 1.0 and 0.5% were studied against III instar larvae of Eariasvittella. Hexane extract of F. leucopyrus and chloroform extract of C. phlomidis showed maximum antifeedant activity of 81.00 and 80.48%, respectively at 5% concentration. The least LC50 and LC90 values of 1.21 and 1.36% for hexane extract of F. leucopyrus and 4.96 and 5.11% for chloroform extract of C. phlomidis, respectively. Cent percent larvicidal activity was observed in chloroform extract of C. phlomidis at 5% concentration, while hexane extract of F. leucopyrus recorded at 87.52 and 5% concentration. The LC50 and LC90 values for larvicidal activity ware 0.51 and 1.74% for chloroform extract of C. phlomidis and 1.74 and 4.69% for hexane extract of F. leucopyrus, respectively. No adult emergence was observed at all concentrations of C. phlomidis chloroform extract and at 5 and 2.5% concentrations of F. leucopyrus hexane extract." [C. Muthu, K. Baskar, S. Kingsley and S. Ignacimuthu, 2012. Bioefficacy of Clerodendrumphlomidis Linn. f. and Flueggealeucopyrus (Koen.) Willd. againstEariasvittella Fab.. Journal of Entomology, 9: 332-342. DOI: 10.3923/je.2012.332.342 URL:]
PAS_2 "TheIso-propyl alcohol extracts of both Clerodendrumpholmids and Scopariadulcis showed best result of larvicidal and pesticidal activity against the mosquito larvae Aedesaegypti, and the pests Sitophilusoryzae (Rice weevil). In the present investigation, the n-butyl alcohol extacts of Clerodendrumphlomidis showed very good activity against all tested pathogens." [Lurdu Mary T and Thampi Raj, Biocidal activity of Scopariadulcis andClerodendrumphlomidis on human pathogens, Mosquito larvae and storage pest, Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2017; 5(5): 186-190]
Agro Ecological Zone Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Madhya Bharat plateau Western Malwa plateau, Eastern Gujarat plain, Vindhyan and Satpura range and Narmada Valley hot, moist semi-arid eco-subregion (5.2), Agro-Climatic Region (Planning Commission) Gujarat Plains and Hills Region (XIII), Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) Middle Gujarat Agro Climatic Zone (GJ-3)
Other Community Practices
Practice ID DTP0010000002647
Reference Lok (3) 1, Feb-1998, Pg No. 5
Annotation ID GIAN/GAVL/334
State Gujarat
PIN Code 389260