Practice Name:

Practice for Control of the Pest Named Kasiya in Pearl Millet Crop

Category Crop Production
Crop Pearl Millet
Crop Family Poaceae
Scientific Name (Pennisetum typhoides)
Vernacular Name bulrush millet, babala, bajra, cumbu, dukhn, gero, sajje, sanio or souna
Scout HBN
Ingredients Sindur (Bixa orellana) and liquor
Control Mode

Innovator / Knowledge Provider Shri Kodarji Kaduji Pagi  of
District Kheda
KVK District KrishiVignan Kendra, Gujarat Vidyapith, Dethli, District:- Kheda Phone No.02694-291252,
Address Kotvana village of Balasinor taluka of Kheda district,Gujarat
Languages Spoken
Vocation Farming
State Gujarat
PIN Code 388265

PAS_1 "The results of the present study showed that castor bean plant extracts and oil could be toxic to larvae of P. xylostella through contact and ingestion. Plant-based pesticides have been found to exhibit larvicidal effects (e.g., Kétho et al., 2002; Sanda et al., 2006; Ogendo et al., 2008; Agboka et al., 2009). Under field conditions, Sanda et al. (2006), find that Cymbopogonschoenanthus L. could significantly reduce larval population of P. xylostella. Torres et al. (2001) report 100% mortality against P. xylostella larvae with 10% aqueous solution of the wood bark of A. pyrifolium in Brazil. Using aqueous extracts from leaves of R. communis, Aouinty et al. (2006) have reported high larvicidal activity against 2nd and 4th instar larvae of four mosquito species, Culexpipiens (L.), Aedescaspius (Pallas), Culisetalongiareolata (Aitken) and Anopheles maculipennis (Meigen). "[AgbekoKodjo, Tounou & Mawussi, Gbénonchi&Amadou, Sadate& Komi, A. &Yaovi, G. &Dieudonné, M. &Komla, S.. (2011). Bio-insecticidal effects of plant extracts and oil emulsions of Ricinuscommunis L. (Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae) on the diamondback, Plutellaxylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) under laboratory and semi-field conditions. J. Appl. Biosci.. 43. 2899-2914. ]
PAS_2 "The insecticidal value of the castor oil plant (Ricinuscommunis) in controlling the termites which damage the wood of Mangiferaindica and Pinuslongifolia was examined. In comparative trials, the order of insecticidal activity was DDT=BHC > castor oil + castor cake (1:1) > castor oil > castor leaves > castor cake >neem oil >neem leaves. All treatments significantly reduced weight loss in wood pieces exposed to termites." [Insecticidal value of castor (Ricinuscummunis) against termites, International BiodeteriorationVolume 27, Issue 3, 1991, Pages 249-254]!
Agro Ecological Zone Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Central Highlands (Malwa), Gujarat Plain And Kathiawar Peninsula, Semi-Arid Eco-Region (5.2) , Agro-Climatic Region (Planning Commission) Gujarat plains and hill region (XIII), Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) Middle Gujarat Agro Climatic zone(GJ-3), North Gujarat Zone GJ-5
Other Community Practices "Castor oil can be used as an irritant/simulative laxative. Castor oil is a natural emollient and a few drops may also be used to remedy dry skin, as a massage oil, and may benefit hair as a treatment. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that comprises about 90% of the oil."
Practice ID DTP0010000002655
Reference lok (3) 1, Feb-
Annotation ID GIAN/GAVL/436
State Gujarat
PIN Code 388265