Practice Name:

Pest Control in Plants

Category Crop Pest & Disease Management
Crop Family Poaceae
Scientific Name (Eleusine coracana)
Vernacular Name Ragi, Finger millet
Scout HBN
Ingredients The seeds of mustard (Brassica campestris) crop.
Control Mode

Innovator / Knowledge Provider Lingappa Bhutha
District Chitradurga
KVK District AMFU, Agro-met Advisory Services, Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Babbur Farm, Hiriyur-572 143,Chitradurga district, Karnataka State, India
Address district - Chitradurga, Karnataka
Languages Spoken
Vocation Farming
State Karnataka
PIN Code 577501

PAS_1 "effect of planting methods on the growth and establishment of finger millet - Study was carried out to evaluate the germination and establishment of finger millet lines under different planting methods at the department of Crop Production and Protection, Federal University, Wukari, Taraba state, Nigeria. The treatments consist of six lines of finger millet which were:L1(four fingers),L2(seven fingers),L3(thirteen fingers),L4(five finger),L5(black variety) and L6(six fingers) and three planting methods which are broadcasting, drilling and spot planting. These were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Data collected and analyzed using ANOVA at 5% level of probability. Result shows that planting methods affects the germination and establishment of finger millet lines.L6 produced significantly better germination through broadcasting method.L1, L5 and L6 had the best germination when using drilling method while for spot planting, L4 and L6 germinate better than other lines. Broadcasting produced better germination which is not significantly different from drilling method but better than spot planting."
PAS_2 "Effect of Different Varieties and Establishment Methods on Growth and Yield of Finger Millet [ (L.) Gaertn.] under Condition Eleusine coracana Konkan - A field experiment was conducted on coastal lateritic soil of Konkan region to study the effect of different establishment methods and varieties on yield, quality and nutrient uptake of Kharif finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) gaertn.) during kharif 2014 at Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Dapoli. The experiment was laid out in strip plot design with three replications. Result revealed that transplanting method recorded significantly higher grain (23.58 q ha-1)and straw (33.25q ha-1) yield and higher protein and nutrient uptake followed by treatments in which awatni, line sowing and broadcasting. Dapoli safed variety recorded significantly higher grain (23.28q ha-1) and straw (32.13 q ha-1) yield and also protein and nutrient uptake followed by treatments in which Phulenachani, Dapoli 1 and PR-202. Thus, the study revealed that during kharif weather season variety Dapoli safed is sown under transplanting method under Konkan conditions for obtaining higher yield, protein and nutrient uptake from finger millet."
Agro Ecological Zone Eastern Ghats And Tamil Nadu Uplands And Deccan (Karnataka) Plateau, Hot Semi-Arid Eco-Region (8.2) , Southern Plateau And Hills Region (10),Central Dry Zone (KA-4)
Other Community Practices "Effect of methods of planting on growth and yield of finger millet genotypes under organic farming" -
Practice ID KNW0010000001159
Reference HBN database
Annotation ID GIAN/GAVL/836
State Karnataka
PIN Code 577501