Practice Name:

Remedy for Coconut Mite Attack

Category Crop Pest & Disease Management
Crop Coconut
Crop Family Arecaceae
Scientific Name (Cocos nucifera)
Vernacular Name Nariyeli tree
Scout HBN
Ingredients Aloe (Aloe vera), negundo chaste tree (Vitex negundo), neem (Azadirachta indica) and cow dung slurry.
Control Mode

Innovator / Knowledge Provider V S Samyappan
District Tirupur
KVK District
Address village - Nochikadu, district - Tirupur,Tamil Nadu
Languages Spoken
Vocation Farming
State Tamil Nadu
PIN Code 627006

PAS_1 "The essential oils of (Coleus aromaticus) and (Hyptis suaveolens) based on their in vivo and in vitro insecticidal efficacy may be recommended as nonphytotoxic herbal insecticides against (Tribolium castaneum) contamination. [Jaya, Singh P, Prakash B, Dubey NK. Insecticidal activity of (Ageratum conyzoides L.), (Coleus aromaticus Benth) and (Hyptis suaveolens L.) Poit essential oils as fumigant against storage grain insect (Tribolium castaneum) Herbst. J Food Sci Technol. 2014;51(9):2210-2215. doi:10.1007/s13197-012-0698-8]"
PAS_2 "Neem oil contains at least 100 biologically active compounds. Among them, the major constituents are triterpenes known as limonoids, the most important being azadirachtin .which appears to cause 90% of the effect on most pests. The compound has a melting point of 160°C and molecular weight of 720 g/mol. Other components present include meliantriol, nimbin, nimbidin, nimbinin, nimbolides, fatty acids (oleic, stearic, and palmitic), and salannin. [Campos EV, de Oliveira JL, Pascoli M, de Lima R, Fraceto LF. Neem Oil and Crop Protection: From Now to the Future. Front Plant Sci. 2016;7:1494. Published 2016 Oct 13. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01494]"
Agro Ecological Zone Eastern Ghat (TN uplands and SE Sahyadris), hot semi-arid ecosystem with mixed red and black soils and GP 90-120 days (8.1,8.3)
Other Community Practices "Application of neem oil 3%, neem oil 2% + garlic extract 2.5%, NSKE 5%, Fish oil rosin soap 40g/lit were found effective in reducing the mite damage. Significant reduction of mite population and damage was also obtained after spraying with commercial formulations of azadirachtin 1% @ 5ml/lit. of water. But repeated application at regular interval is needed to achieve maximum control." [Aratchige, N.. (2014). Mite management of coconut in Sri Lanka.]
Practice ID KNW0010000001347
Reference HBN database
Annotation ID GIAN/GAVL/860
State Tamil Nadu
PIN Code 627006