Practice Name:

To Control Pest in Coconut

Category Crop Pest & Disease Management
Crop Coconut
Crop Family Arecaceae
Scientific Name (Cocos nucifera)
Vernacular Name Nariyeli tree
Scout HBN
Ingredients Jaggery, water, cup, stone or a piece of wood, dish and tuber of Agave.
Control Mode

Innovator / Knowledge Provider Farmer from Karnataka
KVK District
Address Karnataka
Languages Spoken
Vocation Farming
State Karnataka
PIN Code 591118

PAS_1 "Alkaloids isolated from Annonasquamosa have shown larvicidal growth-regulating and chemosterilant activities against Anopheles stephensi at concentrations of 50 to 200 ppm. Adults exposed as larvae to different treatments showed reduced fecundity and fertility in females.",fecundity%20and%20fertility%20in%20females
PAS_2 "All plant extracts showed moderate effects after 24 h of exposure; however, the highest toxic effect of bark methanol extract of A. squamosa, leaf ethyl acetate extract of C. indicum and leaf acetone extract of T. procumbens against the larvae of An. subpictus (LC50 = 93.80, 39.98 and 51.57 mg/l) and bark methanol extract of A. squamosa, leaf methanol extract of C. indicum and leaf ethyl acetate extract of T. procumbens against the larvae of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (LC50 =104.94, 42.29 and 69.16 mg/l) respectively. " [Kamaraj C, Bagavan A, Elango G, et al. Larvicidal activity of medicinal plant extracts against Anopheles subpictus&Culextritaeniorhynchus. Indian J Med Res. 2011;134(1):101-106. ]
Agro Ecological Zone
Other Community Practices "Application of neem oil 3%, neem oil 2% + garlic extract 2.5%, NSKE 5%, Fish oil rosin soap 40g/lit were found effective in reducing the mite damage. Significant reduction of mite population and damage was also obtained after spraying with commercial formulations of azadirachtin 1% @ 5ml/lit. of water. But repeated application at regular interval is needed to achieve maximum control." [Aratchige, N.. (2014). Mite management of coconut in Sri Lanka.]
Practice ID KNW0010000001370
Reference HBN database
Annotation ID GIAN/GAVL/862
State Karnataka
PIN Code 591118