Details | |
Category | Veterinary Care |
Crop | |
Crop Family | |
Scientific Name | |
Vernacular Name | |
Scout | HBN |
Ingredients | Sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica) creeper |
Control Mode |
Innovator / Knowledge Provider | Sursingh Parsingh Ratva |
District | |
KVK District | Krushi Vigyan Kendra, Anand Agricultural University, Dahod |
Address | Mu. Piplaiya Dungapur , Dhanpur , Dahod , Gujarat |
Languages Spoken | |
Vocation | Farmer |
State | Gujarat |
PIN Code | 389180 |
PAS_1 | "Perumal Koundar solve problem of ectoparasite infestation in animal. Details In order to control mites and ticks infestation of cattle, a slurry is made out of tank silt also known as ‘Karambaiman’ and one kg of pounded ‘usila’ leaves (Albizia amara). The solution is smeared all over the body of the animal. The animal is then made to stand in the sun for a few hours, after which it is given a bath. The treatment keeps away the blood sucking parasites and also ensures a lustrous skin ( Honey Bee: 10(3): 8, 1999)." |
PAS_2 | |
Agro Ecological Zone | Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Madhya Bharat plateau Western Malwa plateau, Eastern Gujarat plain, Vindhyan and Satpura range and Narmada Valley hot, moist semi-arid eco-subregion (5.2), Agro-Climatic Region (Planning Commission) Gujrat Plains And Hills Region (XIII) , Agro-Climatic Zone (NARP) Middle Gujarat Zone (GJ-3) |
Other Community Practices | |
Practice ID | DTP0010000002953 |
Reference | Dahod/2000/6 |
Annotation ID | GIAN/GAVL/1214 |
State | Gujarat |
PIN Code | 389180 |