PAS_1 |
Therefore, for these 2 varieties, the soft-red winter wheat had a greater bloat potential than the hard-red winter wheat based on results from the cannulated heifers, but no differences were observed in the frequency of bloat in stocker cattle. In this study, shrinking of cattle before grazing wheat pasture did not induce bloat. |
PAS_2 |
Breeding wheat cultivars with enhanced phenolic content in forage may be one approach to reduce bloat incidence in grazing cattle.
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Agro Ecological Zone |
Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Central Highlands (Malwa), Gujarat Plain And Kathiawar Peninsula, Semi-Arid Eco- Region (5.3) , Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Commission) Gujrat Plains And Hills Region (XIII) ,Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) North Saurashtra (GJ-6)
South Saurashtra (GJ-7) |
Other Community Practices |
Practice ID |
DTP0010000000425 |
Reference |
HBN database |
Annotation ID |
GIAN/GAVL/1899 |
State |
Gujarat |
PIN Code |
365560 |